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The United Way of North Central Iowa, along with the Community Foundation of Northeast Iowa, has established the COVID-19 Disaster Relief Fund.
Money raised will support the most vulnerable and challenged communities in the region.
According to their website, the goal of the United Way during the pandemic is to help those in the community who are most vulnerable and the health care workers who are on the front line, and support those whose needs are not directly covered by government programs.
"As the coronavirus (COVID-19) has spread across our country and the world, we want you to know that we have established business continuity plans and practices to ensure we can continue leading that fight, and supporting those in our community who are most vulnerable and need our help. In uncertain times like these, it is our highest priority to ensure the health and safety of our staff, donors, volunteers, partners, and those who need help," the website read.
The United Way will not give money directly to individuals. Rather, the COVID-19 Disaster Relief Fund will be used to aid nonprofit organizations and public health care and emergency response organizations during the pandemic.
Cerro Gordo, Floyd, Franklin, Hancock, Kossuth, Mitchell, Winnebago, and Worth Counties will receive support from the fund. Nonprofits can apply for funds and people can donate to the fund directly on the United Way website.